Our Debian 5 webserver, with many virtual hosts on it, used to be able to send out emails from each website just by faking the email from address with PHP. This is equivalent to:
bash# sendmail -t -v -f website@webdomain.com
to: me@mydomain.com
subject: Test email from Website
this is a test
Recently, possibly due to a Sendmail update, the emails are getting rewritten and now the From address is
website@hostname.ourdomain.com So what is happening is that the @webdomain.com is getting rewritten with the machines hostname.ourdomain.com:
website@webdomain.com >
We don't want this rewriting!
I've restored the whole /etc/mail/ directory from a backup and there are no significant differences, and the system still isn't working like we want even with the old files.
Everything I've researched is how to use masquerading to fake to a single domain name (which is kinda what this seems to be), but I cannot find any information about PREVENTING this rewrite/masquerading.
Anyone have any ideas? I've installed Exim4 and all is working now but we would like to be able to go back to Sendmail to keep various systems the same.
Google tags: Prevent rewrite prevent rewriting stop rewrite stop rewriting