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Old 10-06-2008, 12:36 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2008
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CPU and RAM usage


I want to know if there is any problem with my resource usage since my site is very slow for the last few weeks. here is the data from 'top' command:

Old 10-06-2008, 01:16 PM   #2
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At the instant you captured with top, there was plenty of memory and you were not heavily using the CPUs.

If you caught it at a moment when it was "slow" then the problem is certainly something other than CPU or RAM.

If you caught in nearly idle in between times when it was slow, maybe the limiting resource is CPU. Not likely RAM.

My guess based on that top data, plus your statement "my site is very slow for the last few weeks" is that the problem is in the network connectivity, not in the processing internal to that system.
Old 10-06-2008, 02:02 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Originally Posted by johnsfine View Post
At the instant you captured with top, there was plenty of memory and you were not heavily using the CPUs.

If you caught it at a moment when it was "slow" then the problem is certainly something other than CPU or RAM.

If you caught in nearly idle in between times when it was slow, maybe the limiting resource is CPU. Not likely RAM.

My guess based on that top data, plus your statement "my site is very slow for the last few weeks" is that the problem is in the network connectivity, not in the processing internal to that system.
Hi johnsfine,

Thank you for your answer. My site is slow all the time .
I will contact my hosting.

Thanks again.
Old 10-06-2008, 02:39 PM   #4
Registered: Aug 2007
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Posts: 102

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it could also be a misconfigured MySQL server,
or wrong statements fired to this MySQL server..

simply not enough info to tell....


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