The only section about DISPLAY is:
checkDisplay () {
# Check if the display has been set.
# Mac doesn't really need a display since it doesn't use X.
# You would need a display on the mac if you are running the app
# remotely through an xterm, but we won't bother checking for that.
if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then
if [ "$ARCH" != "mac" -a "$ARCH" != "maci" -a "$ARCH" != "maci64" ]; then
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Error: Activation cannot proceed. You may either: "
echo " 1. Set an X11 display, and restart the activation process"
echo " 2. Use the silent activation feature"
echo " 3. Activate using the license center"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------"
exit 1
# Check for an X display.
Using echo I found my ARCH is glnxa64
I also greped the message "Could not open display. Exiting." but found nothing....