Configuration Error in Eclipse
Hello All,
I have googlled and get these commands to install extracted .tar.gz file such as ./configure, make and make install, after extraction it becomes a directory called eclipse. But when i giving these commands also i got error like this
~/usr/local/opt$ ls
eclipse eclipse-php-helious-linux-gtk.tar.gz
~/usr/local/opt/eclipse$ ls
about_files; artifacts.xml; dropins; eclipse.ini; features;; p2 readme; about.html; configuration; eclipse; epl-v10.html; icon.xml; notice.html; plugins
~/usr/local/opt/eclipse$ ./configre
-bash: ./configure; No such file or directory
~/usr/local/opt/eclipse$ make
make: ***No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
~/usr/local/opt/eclipse$ make install
make: ***No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.
Is there any mistake i did? If so pls let me know.