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Old 01-16-2011, 02:59 PM   #1
Registered: Dec 2008
Location: Bulgaria
Distribution: Debian / Slackware / Ubuntu
Posts: 230

Rep: Reputation: 34
Config websites with svn

Hi all,

I have just configured svn on my server and i wonder hot to config it for my two web sites. The test dir contain the following things:
conf dav db format hooks locks README.txt

I have created test.txt file and commit it. It is uploaded but i can't find where. It is not in the folders for the repository (or i miss it ?). I used --fs-type=fsfs option when creating the repo.

I want to create svn for the both sites i have. They are in the www/kdelchev and www/webtut folders.

How can I config the svn so the both folders are included in separate repos ? Shold be that for the www folder?

Thanks in advance!
Old 01-16-2011, 03:40 PM   #2
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I *think* you're not clear on what svn is / does. You can't see the files your uploaded in the filesystem. As I understand it, with fsfs each *revision* is a file, i.e. all changes made during that one commit, not per file. So you ca't go "find" a file, from the svn perspective it's exactly where you put it, but that's in svn, not the filesystem you are browsing.

You say you want svn for 2 sites? Does this mean you want to store 2 different sites in your SVN repo, or a different SVN repo for each site to serve? It sounds like the former, in which case, just pick different locations in SVN to store them. and check out the relevant repo locations into the doc root of each site. You're not restricted to any specific architecture or layout at all. You'll be mapping an SVN path to a file system path, and anything above them doesn't matter.
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Old 01-17-2011, 03:43 AM   #3
Registered: Dec 2008
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Originally Posted by acid_kewpie View Post
I *think* you're not clear on what svn is / does.
You are right. I use svn from 2 weeks for a project at work and I am not in details woth the upload, but the code for the project is in svn. I wanted to make the same for my sites to update them easily with svn update.

So that is not possible? And I have to upload the code via ftp every time I changed it?
Old 01-17-2011, 05:35 AM   #4
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That's not even vaguely what I said.

It is *possible* for sure, in that it'll provide the end result you want, but you're not asking the right question in the first place. How you seem to want to use it doesn't make sense in the same way.
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