Originally Posted by gymiv@aol.com
is there some reason not to use centos? I have this on my web servers and was trying to keep to one os. also i am more conserned with trying to get this to work on any os. This is just a test PC at time. As i am concerned with security in the long run if i cannot get this to work on one os why would it work on another.
There is absolutely no sane reason to not use CentOS. You started with it, it is an excellent OS. I have hosted several web servers on CentOS and Red Hat. I cut my Linux baby teeth on Red Hat and cut my Linux adult teeth on Slackware. CentOs is an excellent choice for what you are doing, stay with it.
Now, about OpenBSD. It too is an excellent choice. I've used FreeBSD, it is awesome. I've tried OpenBSD and I was not successful with the installation. I blame the admin (me).
One thing I would caution you on is distro hopping. There are significance differences and subtle differences between Linux and the BSD's. Get yourself firmly grounded in one or the other. You started with CentOS, there is no valid reason to change what you started with.