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Old 01-20-2011, 06:34 AM   #16
Registered: Aug 2005
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Understandable. However, have you mentioned the Bus-scenario to the powers that be?
The debate usually goes something like this;

Manager: "I want to you find a way, any way, to do this, and meet my thrown-together list of immutable expextations."

SysAdmin: "Okay, I'll look into it. Let's meet next week." week later...

Manager: "Okay, whatcha got for us, Wizard?"

SysAdmin: "I have here a set of convoluted implementations that *should* work most of the time. However, being 'home-grown' solutions, there will be bugs to work out in the coming months. Perhaps years."

Manager: "Well, that doesn't sound very practical, Wizard. Just why the heck do we pay you the big bucks?"

SysAdmin: "I'm getting there. You see, I can set this all up so I can monitor it, and (day or night), correct issues as they pop up. All behind-the-scenes like, which is how most of these projects are kept alive. Or there's an alternative."

Manager: "I'm listening...."

SysAdmin: "Well, say I get hit by a Bus."

Manager: " go on..."

SysAdmin: "See, if we don't keep-it-simply-simple (the KISS principle), and if we avoid industry-standard, dead-simple ways of doing things, well, when I'm gone, it's basically going to all fall apart for seemingly no reason."

Manager: "Uh, crap. Can't have that happen, I'd look bad!"

SysAdmin: "Exactly my point. So I say we spend X dollars on products Y and Z, then we write two scripts."

Manager: "Holy...! You can do all that with a shell script and a few software do-hickys?"

SysAdmin: "Yep, and we can even get a support contract from the vendor. That way if I'm ever abducted by the Mafia for my outragous gambling debts, you can call them up."

Manager: "Brilliant! We won't dock your pay this year!"
Old 01-20-2011, 06:42 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by superjoe View Post
For the moment, nothing !
I doubt that very much. At least the older Windows versions used it to load the ntldr of the active partition. Have a look with a hex editor.

I use it to load the stage 1 of GRUB (which can load ntldr).

Good idea to use a single machine as testing ground.
Old 01-21-2011, 01:56 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by JZL240I-U View Post
I doubt that very much. At least the older Windows versions used it to load the ntldr of the active partition. Have a look with a hex editor.

I use it to load the stage 1 of GRUB (which can load ntldr).

Good idea to use a single machine as testing ground.

When I said "nothing", I meant that we haven't installed any OS yet to start playing.

@xeleema: Interesting...but the point is that there is no standard for HPC dual-boot clusters from what I've found. There are multiple solutions, and virtualization (as well as dual booting) are just two of those. Digging into the dual boot solution won't hurt
Old 01-21-2011, 02:03 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by superjoe View Post
When I said "nothing", I meant that we haven't installed any OS yet to start playing.
Oh, In that case...
*cracks his knuckles*


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