autofs issue
I need to do a task in autofs. I will explain a scenario
We have configured our nfs mounts with global autofs file.
/proj/results is getting mounted through autofs which is defined in auto.proj.
Now I need to mount one directory under /proj/results with another filesystem from autofs.
like /proj/results/dev shuld be mount with filere3:/vol/vol10.
is it possible?
auto.proj file looks like as follows:
test1 -rw,hard,intr vixen:/vol/vol8/&
testcases filer2:/vol/vol2/testcases
results_epd filer2:/vol/vol5/epd
xtools filer2:/vol/vol4/xtools
dsv_xhd filer2:/vol/vol7/&
results filer2:/vol/vol5/ipsd
Thanks & regards,