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Old 11-07-2010, 03:35 PM   #1
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applying download speed limit iptables

I would like to apply a limit using iptables but I am not sure what limit to use. The proxy server we have is for viewing video but only through stremaing. SOme users try to download many items and it is these that I want to limit.

Any thoughts on what's best?
Old 11-07-2010, 04:31 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by qwertyjjj View Post
I would like to apply a limit using iptables but I am not sure what limit to use. The proxy server we have is for viewing video but only through stremaing. SOme users try to download many items and it is these that I want to limit.

Any thoughts on what's best?
Could you deny often movies extensions in proxy-squid ...user probably look for some .avi, .mp3, .mpg ...etc.etc. So stop these extensions in squid.

Old 11-07-2010, 05:09 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by sarajevo View Post
Could you deny often movies extensions in proxy-squid ...user probably look for some .avi, .mp3, .mpg ...etc.etc. So stop these extensions in squid.

But they need to stream movies so I can't deny them completely.
Also, some move sites use flash and the link isn't always shown on the website.
Old 11-09-2010, 08:03 AM   #4
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Does limiting the bandwidth per IP sound like a viable option? You might want to consider using iptables and tc together to achieve this.
Old 11-09-2010, 08:52 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by iamwilliam View Post

Does limiting the bandwidth per IP sound like a viable option? You might want to consider using iptables and tc together to achieve this.
Yes, that would work.
I have an eth0 network for the proxy and the VPN is on tun0 and tun1.
Can they all be applied the same speed?
Is tc a script that has to be connected to iptables?
Old 11-10-2010, 04:34 AM   #6
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TC is a program installed as part of the iproute2 package and is used to configure traffic control in the kernel. TC and iptables are usually used together. The iptables mark target (-j MARK) 'marks' packets and tc will handle these packets according to the policy you configure. You would need a shell script to apply the traffic policy on the network interfaces. Check out the resources below both include examples of tc scripts and configuration.

Also, I just read your post again and saw that you mentioned that you were running a proxy-server. If you're running squid, you can implement delay pools to achieve the same result. This is easier to set up IMHO.
Old 11-10-2010, 04:45 AM   #7
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I hope through iptables it is not possible...if you use the squid then u can block in squid.conf

please provide some more details about your setup & proxy server configuration.
Old 11-10-2010, 07:41 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by iamwilliam View Post
TC is a program installed as part of the iproute2 package and is used to configure traffic control in the kernel. TC and iptables are usually used together. The iptables mark target (-j MARK) 'marks' packets and tc will handle these packets according to the policy you configure. You would need a shell script to apply the traffic policy on the network interfaces. Check out the resources below both include examples of tc scripts and configuration.

Also, I just read your post again and saw that you mentioned that you were running a proxy-server. If you're running squid, you can implement delay pools to achieve the same result. This is easier to set up IMHO.
The problem with delay pools is that you have to apply an entire bucket to the server. What I want to do is limit each individual user to 1Mbps or less but have the total on the server unlimited.
Actually, the server also has a VPN and I need to use tc for that but that can come later.
An example of my current delay pools is this:

acl magic_words1 url_regex -i 192.168
acl magic_words2 url_regex -i ftp .exe .mp3 .vqf .tar.gz .gz .rpm .zip .rar .avi .mpeg .mpe .mpg .qt .ram .rm .iso .raw .wav .mov
# Added nsca_users in a boolean AND fashion
delay_pools 3
delay_class 1 2
delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 -1/-1
delay_access 1 allow ncsa_users magic_words1
delay_access 1 deny all
delay_class 2 2
#delay_parameters 2 5000/150000 5000/120000
delay_parameters 2 32000/150000 32000/120000
delay_access 2 allow ncsa_users magic_words2
delay_access 2 deny all
# May need to tweak params, Class 1 means a total-server level bucket??
delay_class 3 1
# 256 Kbit/s fill rate, 1024 Kbit/s reserve
delay_parameters 3 64000/128000
delay_access 3 allow ncsa_users
delay_access 3 deny all
Old 11-10-2010, 10:06 AM   #9
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The problem with delay pools is that you have to apply an entire bucket to the server. What I want to do is limit each individual user to 1Mbps or less but have the total on the server unlimited.
You would configure "unlimited" by setting the restored/maximum delay parameters as "-1/-1"

delay_class 1 2
delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 -1/-1
delay_access 1 allow ncsa_users magic_words1
You might have a problem with this part of your configuration. It allows unlimited bandwidth to hosts. Comment out the class 1 delay pool as well

This class 2 delay pool might help achieve what you want:

delay_parameters 2 -1/-1 128000/128000
delay_access 2 allow ncsa_users magic_words2
delay_access 2 deny all
Old 11-10-2010, 10:37 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by iamwilliam View Post
You would configure "unlimited" by setting the restored/maximum delay parameters as "-1/-1"

You might have a problem with this part of your configuration. It allows unlimited bandwidth to hosts. Comment out the class 1 delay pool as well

This class 2 delay pool might help achieve what you want:

delay_parameters 2 -1/-1 128000/128000
delay_access 2 allow ncsa_users magic_words2
delay_access 2 deny all
So I would use this?

acl magic_words1 url_regex -i 192.168
acl magic_words2 url_regex -i ftp .exe .mp3 .vqf .tar.gz .gz .rpm .zip .rar .avi .mpeg .mpe .mpg .qt .ram .rm .iso .raw .wav .mov

delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 2
delay_parameters 2 -1/-1 128000/128000
delay_access 2 allow ncsa_users magic_words2
delay_access 2 deny all
Is there anything else that I need to deny?
What about magic words 1? That is 192.168, which must be local users on the proxy including the proxy itself?
Old 11-10-2010, 11:02 AM   #11
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That would match traffic to urls containing 192.168.x.x. The delay_access section of my post was really just an example based on your earlier post. The ACL configuration part is really network specific and its hard to advice further with the information provided.
Old 11-10-2010, 11:23 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by iamwilliam View Post
That would match traffic to urls containing 192.168.x.x. The delay_access section of my post was really just an example based on your earlier post. The ACL configuration part is really network specific and its hard to advice further with the information provided.
Well, it's an external proxy server with WAN IP for geo IP location.
So, I access it using a username and password from the ncsa_users list.
I can then access sites within the country of the server. I never receive a 192 ip address but maybe the server needs this acl so the server has unlimited bandwidth even though the ncsausers do not?

Sorry, what I meant was, do I need to deny anything else in the pool?
My current squid conf would be:

auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/ncsa_auth /etc/squid/squid_passwd
auth_param basic realm "AAA proxy server"
auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hour
authenticate_cache_garbage_interval 1 hour
authenticate_ip_ttl 2 hour
acl all src
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl cacheadmin src
acl to_localhost dst
acl SSL_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http
acl Safe_ports port 1863 # MSN messenger
acl ncsa_users proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl maxuser max_user_ip -s 2
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access deny to_localhost
http_access deny maxuser
http_access allow localhost

http_access allow ncsa_users
http_access deny all
icp_access allow all

http_port 8080
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
cache_mem 100 MB
maximum_object_size_in_memory 50 KB
cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA
cache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid 40000 16 256
maximum_object_size 50 MB
cache_swap_low 90
cache_swap_high 95
access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid
cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log
buffered_logs on

acl magic_words1 url_regex -i 192.168
acl magic_words2 url_regex -i ftp .exe .mp3 .vqf .tar.gz .gz .rpm .zip .rar .avi .mpeg .mpe .mpg .qt .ram .rm .iso .raw .wav .mov

delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 2
delay_parameters 2 -1/-1 128000/128000
delay_access 2 allow ncsa_users magic_words2
delay_access 2 deny all

#does the server need an unlimited pool here?

acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
cache deny QUERY
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320
quick_abort_min 0 KB
quick_abort_max 0 KB
acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache
broken_vary_encoding allow apache
half_closed_clients off
cachemgr_passwd xxxxxall
visible_hostname aaaaa
log_icp_queries off
hosts_file /etc/hosts
memory_pools off
forwarded_for off

client_db off
coredump_dir /var/spool/squid

Last edited by qwertyjjj; 11-10-2010 at 11:25 AM.
Old 11-10-2010, 06:44 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by iamwilliam View Post
That would match traffic to urls containing 192.168.x.x. The delay_access section of my post was really just an example based on your earlier post. The ACL configuration part is really network specific and its hard to advice further with the information provided.
I seem to get this error when starting with that code:
service squid restart
Stopping squid: 2010/11/10 23:43:45| parse_delay_pool_rates: Ignoring pool 2 not in 1 .. 1
2010/11/10 23:43:45| parse_delay_pool_rates: Ignoring pool 2 not in 1 .. 1
2010/11/10 23:43:45| parse_delay_pool_rates: Ignoring pool 2 not in 1 .. 1


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