Apache2 - Restrict various websites the simple way
Dear All,
I have googled my eyes blurry, but still no joy. I think my problem is that what I want is too simple.
I have 3 internal sites on my server, Debian Etch with Apache2, Php and Mysql.
The sites are the following, /var/www/sites/A and /B and /C
I would like /A to be accessible, /B and /C to be restricted to a couple of users.
Since Apache2, the config is done in /etc/apache2/sites-available/A /B /C
What can I make to have this done? I dont mind using .htaccess or anything else for that matter.
Is it wiser to set the default to be restriced, and set /A to be allowed anonymously? If so, what shall be my approach?
Thanks a lot for any help,