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Old 08-14-2008, 05:22 PM   #1
Registered: May 2006
Posts: 52

Rep: Reputation: 15
Apache writing to smb share on windows box?

Hi all.

I'm running apache 2 on a SLES10 box, and I'm trying to get it to create a file on a Windows 2003 box.

Basically I have a web form which is parsed into an xml file using a python cgi script (Python is the language I'm most comfortable with).

I need this file to either be created directly on the Windows box or copied there (in an smb share). I am getting a permission denied error when trying to create or copy the file.

I am poor with permissions, especially cross platform!
Old 08-14-2008, 05:49 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by darthfoolish View Post
Hi all.

I'm running apache 2 on a SLES10 box, and I'm trying to get it to create a file on a Windows 2003 box.

Basically I have a web form which is parsed into an xml file using a python cgi script (Python is the language I'm most comfortable with).

I need this file to either be created directly on the Windows box or copied there (in an smb share). I am getting a permission denied error when trying to create or copy the file.

I am poor with permissions, especially cross platform!
Share the folder from the Windows box, and use the smbmount command to attach it to the Linux server. There's another thread on here that gives more detail about the smbmount command, and the man page can give you even more.
Old 08-14-2008, 05:51 PM   #3
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man mount.cifs

And just mount the share where you want to file to go on your apache server, and dump your XML file to that directory.

Or you can always call smbclient to copy it over to the windows box.


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