All traffic showed as proxy after installing nginx proxy to apache
I installed nginx as proxy and when i checked configuration i getting error about not enough size for server_names_hash_max_size 2048;
So i increased to 4096 and it was fine then,but then i noticed unusual problem-all traffic incoming shows as proxy traffic in traffic script,which is impossible it cannot be 100% proxy traffic.Could be something screwed with mod_rpfa?That is mod of apache which read traffic normaly from nginx otherwise apache will think all traffic come from one ip adress.I had to revert back to apache beacuse of this,i wonder could be this beacuse of that mod since i installed nginx on other server with indetical configuration and there was not problem with either that hash max size either with that proxy reading but again i think i didnt installed mod rpfa there.But is it realy needed to install mod_rpfa since i dont read ip logs from apache i use php scripts for that.But again maybe is some kind of conflict with mod evasive which i also have installed.