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Old 05-20-2011, 11:26 AM   #1
Registered: Jan 2003
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 69

Rep: Reputation: 15
Active Directory authentication for ssh without "net ads join" (just with search acc)

Hello everybody,

I'm trying to get ssh authentication over AD. The problem is that I don't have a manager account for the AD, I just have an account which is allowed to search the directory (I am successfully using this setup to authenticate users against the AD through apache and a ROR webapp). The problem is that all guides I have been able to find use pam_ldap and require a "net ads join" at some point for which I would need a manager account. But there must be some way to get ssh authentication against AD using just a search account, right? I'd be really thankful for any pointers as to how this is done...

Thanks a lot in advance!
Old 05-21-2011, 07:49 AM   #2
Registered: Apr 2005
Location: NYC
Distribution: Debian, RHEL
Posts: 269

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Technically speaking I think most of the docs for doing this actually use LDAP for the user search and Kerberos for the actual authentication, much the same as Windows does. In order for Kerberos to work you will need to have the PC joined to the domain in order to get the proper trust relationships between the computer and server.

Actually using LDAP alone for authentication is probably a bad idea as it will send passwords in clear text by default, unless you have SSL enabled on the server and client. If you don't have proper credentials to be adding this device to the domain, and can't ask someone to do it for you it brings up the question of if this is something you should be doing at all.
Old 05-23-2011, 02:30 AM   #3
Registered: Jan 2003
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 69

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
Thanks a lot for the info - though unfortunately I don't really have the choice of not using LDAP alone since I need several webapps to do LDAP authentication on that system anyways. And since the strength of a chain is the strength of its weakest link... Also, I could ask the domain administrator to perform the join, but - apart from the guy having enough to do without me pestering him - this brings along a host of other problems, such as the free version of NX refusing to work with ssh authentication against AD.

So, the question stands: Since I already have webapps authenticating against AD, how do I do this for ssh? Or at least for svn (what I'm trying to do is automatic svn repository creation through redmine, which works fine, but it would be great if those people actually could also access the repositories through svn+ssh)?


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