About blocking specific email address
Hello everyone. There is a problem I would like to ask for all your advices.
Assume that there is an account called: myacct on linux which has sendmail, spamassassin and procmail.
Now, this sendmail server will receive email from 2 domains:
So, the following 2 emails are valid:
If I don't want to accept any email from myacct@abc.com, but abc.com should be kept. And I also need to receive email from myacct@def.com.
How can I do this?
I have already tried:
Assume that there is a person who send an email to BOTH addresses listed above:
- Procmail: If I blocked the email address of myacct@abc.com, myacct@def.com will also not be able to receive this email. Rules:
:0 BbHh
* ^To:.*myacct\@abc\.com.*
- spamassassin:
blacklist_to myacct@abc.com
myacct@def.com will also not be able to receive this email.
Can any body give some advices to the above situation?
Thank you very much for all your help!