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Old 06-18-2007, 01:33 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2007
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Lightbulb Win2lin *n00b*

Now i know Linux do it for security but is they an option to allow memory injecting into other applications/allow processes into applications, its a security flaw yes but still i cant get viruses/spyware when i know what windows applications i will be using within wine. Thats all i want this for WINE

currently im on XP just need to know if this is possible first

thx maly
Old 06-18-2007, 01:41 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2007
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Since Unix (Linux, BSD, Solaris, etc...) was designed to be multiuser from the start, processes are "firewalled" off from one another, regardless of privilege (exception: parent processes are allowed access to child processes). In Windows, Ring 0 processes (admin processes) are not firewalled from one another, but Ring 3 processes (user processes) are firewalled off from Ring 0 processes. I'm not sure how Windows handles Ring 3 - Ring 3, but I'm sure it's pretty open.

Now then, are you attempting to modify Wine process space from OUTSIDE of Wine, or no? You could potentially create a process that spawns Wine as a child process (to run whatever program you're looking to run), but that would require quite a bit of effort and knowledge. Wish I could help, but without knowing specifics (and what it's for!), there's not much anyone here is going to be able to do.

edit - I wouldn't recommend it, but you could probably perform a kernel hack to allow processes to overwrite each other's memory...I can't think of WHY, but if you're into kernel hacking, then go for it...haha

Last edited by rocket357; 06-18-2007 at 01:43 PM.
Old 06-18-2007, 01:51 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Im trying to allow both my windows applicaitons in WINE to run and inject so i think thats inside the space of wine lol, can you explain more about kernel hacking i saw that at the bottom on your reply edited- and what about spawning a process?

There the things i didnt understand too much and how would i do this you said it requires knowledge

thx good info
Old 06-18-2007, 02:16 PM   #4
Registered: Mar 2007
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I've never considered breaking my Linux distro with the intent of allowing processes to access each other's space. It doesn't make any sense unless you're attempting to reverse engineer or "cheat" in some way, shape, or form.

Are you trying to allow the two applications to talk, or are you trying to use one to modify the other's process space? If you're trying to get them to talk to each other, there are easier ways to accomplish it. If you're attempting to allow one to overwrite the other's space, then I suggest you stick to Windows...besides having potentially illegal uses (which is not allowed on, it's quite a bit more complex than a forum post could hope to cover (and I'm no Linux kernel developer, either, so you'd have to get the info from somewhere else, anyhow)...

Last edited by rocket357; 06-18-2007 at 02:17 PM.
Old 06-18-2007, 02:30 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
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ok i suppose i will have to tell you what applications because everywhere is not helpfull unlike you, i want to run a counter-strike 1.6 hack i have to run the hack before i start CS the process is hl.exe its a memory injector i dont think it replaces anything within hl.exe so it should be easy like you said to get this to work?
Old 06-18-2007, 10:43 PM   #6
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If your main concern is that you wanna make sure your current Windows program will run equivalently on GNU/Linux/Wine before you do your actual GNU/Linux install, then I would recommend that you run some tests on one of the several Live CDs which come with Wine.

That said, this is as far as this thread can go, considering your intention is to succesfully execute a memory injection hack (which puts members in a situation where, if they help you, then they would be violating the LQ rules). I'm sure you understand, but if you have any complaints please feel free to contact me or another member of the mod team via email. This thread is closed.

Last edited by win32sux; 06-18-2007 at 10:50 PM.

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