Hey guys...
Recently I downloaded a file from gnome-look which was a config file for conky.
Upon extracting the contents of the tar file that I downloaded I followed the tutorial in order configure conky to work. I managed to get everything working fine. I shut down my machine and later started it back up again. I then attempted to access the .conkyrc file to edit a few things. It was then that I realized that something had changed about the file. I noticed that the files ownership and permissions has changes.
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 3293 2008-10-29 02:09 .conkyrc
I thought this to be really strange because I had just been editing the file with no problems. And what bothered me further was the ownership of the file
Now this is probably a totally stupid question but I am just curious as to how this might have happened? Doesn't the owner of the file or the group that the file is apart of have to be present on the machine? I did a search for anything 1000 on my machine and nothing turned out. Maybe I am just being paranoid but it just seemed really weird. Does anyone have any ideas?
Thank you in advance