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Old 07-16-2006, 11:03 PM   #1
Registered: Dec 2005
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Distribution: Debian,Xubuntu
Posts: 567

Rep: Reputation: 30
udp on port 5005

I'm getting this log targetted as DOS by my router
Jul 16 23:09:20 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.27,3479 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:20 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.22,3478 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:20 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.27,3479 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:20 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x..22,3478 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:20 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.27,3479 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:20 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.22,3478 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:20 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.27,3479 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:20 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.27,3479 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:20 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.22,3478 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:20 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.27,3479 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:20 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.22,3478 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:20 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.27,3479 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:20 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.22,3478 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:20 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.27,3479 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:21 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.22,3478 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:21 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.27,3479 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:21 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.22,3478 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:21 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.27,3479 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
Jul 16 23:09:21 netgear UDP Packet - Source:x.x.x.22,3478 Destination:,5005 - [DOS]
The source ip change in the last octet ... they are hitting port 5005 udp .
I would like a clue on udp scan and on port 5005
Old 07-17-2006, 12:26 AM   #2
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From my FC box:
[anomie@fc ~]$ grep '5005' /etc/services 
avt-profile-2   5005/tcp                        # avt-profile-2
avt-profile-2   5005/udp                        # avt-profile-2
So add that guy's network to your deny list (at the router level or Linux box level).
Old 07-17-2006, 01:14 AM   #3
Registered: Mar 2002
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Doing a little Googling, it seems that RTP (Real Time Protocol) also can use 5005 udp, and can be a trojan program. Apparently RTP is used by VOIP programs.

In any case, if you don't run any service on port 5005, and only allow the outside world to access ports that you specify, it is probably not something that you need to worry about.
Old 07-17-2006, 08:38 PM   #4
Russell Griffiths
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I get the same thing on various ports .. every day .. all day.

It's a basic DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service Attack)on your (and my) router. These things proliferate around the world as viruses that infect many computers(hence, distributed,)and you get floods of UDP packets to your IP address looking for a respose from random ports.

My reports look the same as yours .. here's a two-day grab sample, showing the different ports being the target.

If you want to see what programs (if any) use those ports, you can check at this site ..
and of course on Linux, there's a file named 'services' in your /etc directory, which shows what TCP and UDP ports are in use, or exposed on your system. If the attack is directed at one of your active ports, (eg you are runninga web-exposed server)then you are in trouble indeed!

As long as your firewall is blocking them all, as it seems to be, the only probs are ..
a) that your router/firewall is 'busy' reading, then denying, all these packets, and is thus sometimes too busy to service your legitimate traffic. This is what constitues the 'denial of service' attack. Flood your router so you can't get any effective use of it, and of course ..
b) the fact that you are paying, by the megabyte, in most cases, for 'download traffic' on your connection. So these guys are 'spinning your dials' on the meter, for no benefit to you.
Sometimes I think ISP's themselves run this sh*t to keep the bills mounting.

2 examples from my logs
Hope this has been helpful


Tue, 2006-07-11 09:59:09 - UDP Packet - Source:,10062 Destination:,24586 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-07-11 09:59:09 - UDP Packet - Source:,6346 Destination:,24586 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-07-11 09:59:09 - UDP Packet - Source:,5365 Destination:,24586 - [DOS]
Tue, 2006-07-11 09:59:09 - UDP Packet - Source:,19185 Destination:,24586 - [DOS]

Fri, 2006-07-14 07:30:23 - UDP Packet - Source:,50985 Destination:,6140 - [DOS]
Fri, 2006-07-14 07:30:24 - UDP Packet - Source:,13945 Destination:,6140 - [DOS]
Fri, 2006-07-14 07:30:24 - UDP Packet - Source:,33046 Destination:,6140 - [DOS]
Fri, 2006-07-14 07:30:25 - UDP Packet - Source:,63371 Destination:,6140 - [DOS]
Old 07-18-2006, 12:12 AM   #5
Registered: Dec 2005
Location: This planet
Distribution: Debian,Xubuntu
Posts: 567

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They often take my router down :
Jul 18 05:03:33 argo Tcp_WinWorms: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:40:f4:7a:58:25:00:09:5b:b0:3c:a2:08:00  SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=00 PREC=0x00 TTL=122 ID=13435 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1074 DPT=139 SEQ=1654734241 ACK=0 WINDOW=64800 SYN URGP=0
Jul 18 05:03:33 argo NOPASSARAN: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:40:f4:7a:58:25:00:09:5b:b0:3c:a2:08:00  SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=00 PREC=0x00 TTL=122 ID=13435 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1074 DPT=139 SEQ=1654734241 ACK=0 WINDOW=64800 SYN URGP=0
Jul 18 05:03:34 argo Tcp_WinWorms: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:40:f4:7a:58:25:00:09:5b:b0:3c:a2:08:00  SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=00 PREC=0x00 TTL=121 ID=63999 CE DF PROTO=TCP SPT=3406 DPT=135 SEQ=240838738 ACK=0 WINDOW=16384 SYN URGP=0
Jul 18 05:03:34 argo NOPASSARAN: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:40:f4:7a:58:25:00:09:5b:b0:3c:a2:08:00  SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=00 PREC=0x00 TTL=121 ID=63999 CE DF PROTO=TCP SPT=3406 DPT=135 SEQ=240838738 ACK=0 WINDOW=16384 SYN URGP=0
A solution ?Why not tarpit them ... !?


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