SSL Certificates
The ServerName is established in the httpd.conf file.
An SSL Certificate tries to compare its Common Name with the ServerName. If they don't match, there's a problem.
I created a self-signed certificate using the openssl utility where I must have originally mistyped the ServerName for the Common Name. This was apparent since the names didn't match. So I had to repeat the process but with the correct info.
The first certificate I created on June 26th. I've deleted the files server.key and server.crt from their respective directories and replaced them with newly created files with the correct information in them. However, when I open my browser and get the dialog box that warns about the certificate and I check the date it still reads June 26th.
This is now the 29th. of June so the cerificate should reflect that since the latest one I created was today. How is it the server is retaining this older certificate in memory? Why isn't it reading the latest certificate?
Last edited by ashiers; 06-29-2006 at 03:36 PM.