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Old 02-10-2005, 07:35 AM   #1
Registered: May 2004
Distribution: Fedora Core
Posts: 64

Rep: Reputation: 15
Snort does not log alerts

Hi, I have been using (or trying to use) snort for the last couple weeks. However, I seem to be having issues getting Snort to log alerts.

I downloaded the latest rules definitions from and placed them in /etc/snort.

I invoked snort like this:

snort -Dde

(the HOME_NET and EXTERNAL_NET, etc. variables are all correctly set in the conf file as far as I can tell, and the snort.conf file is in the default location.)

I know snort is running as a daemon because I can see it in the process list output by ps -A. I also get logs for each host that connects (I get folders named by IP address with logs by port in each folder. But my alerts file stays empty.

I know that the rules should be catching some alerts, because I can see that I am getting NIMDA and CODE RED attack info from my httpd logs.

I am using the latest stable Snort on Fedora Core 3.

Thanks for your help.


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