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Old 02-14-2007, 10:46 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2007
Posts: 3

Rep: Reputation: 0
Simple iptables quesiton

Hi all, I've got a simple iptables question.

Is there a way that I can enter an entire "domain" into iptables to either allow or deny over a specific port?

Similar to this in hosts.allow:
sshd : : allow

An iptables rule?
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -s -m tcp -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

But this is not accepted in iptables. I'd like to use the name and not the ip that way it will deny
a client that is not in our DNS records.

Any ideas?

Old 02-14-2007, 11:12 AM   #2
Senior Member
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Try the rule without the '.' in front of the domain name:
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -s -m tcp -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
Old 02-16-2007, 12:36 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2007
Posts: 3

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Rep: Reputation: 0
Hi all again,

That doesn't seem to work the same. It assumes one IP address. I'd like to be able to include a whole class B or class C subnet without denoting the actual subnet. As I mentioned previously in the hosts.allow


Old 02-17-2007, 12:19 PM   #4
Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 36

Rep: Reputation: 15
Originally Posted by cbidwell
Hi all again,

That doesn't seem to work the same. It assumes one IP address. I'd like to be able to include a whole class B or class C subnet without denoting the actual subnet. As I mentioned previously in the hosts.allow


I have a similar query, so I am hijacking on your thread. What I have is apache listening on port 443, and I have only one IP. I also need to get SSH on port 443 (ISP blocks 22 and any other ports). What I tried was the following rule:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -d --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 22
However, the rule is working on the IP and not on the name (that is I need IP table to port forward based on name rather than IP. Any solutions?

Last edited by friendklay; 02-17-2007 at 12:20 PM.
Old 02-18-2007, 04:24 AM   #5
LQ Guru
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Originally Posted by friendklay
I have a similar query, so I am hijacking on your thread. What I have is apache listening on port 443, and I have only one IP. I also need to get SSH on port 443 (ISP blocks 22 and any other ports). What I tried was the following rule:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -d --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 22
However, the rule is working on the IP and not on the name (that is I need IP table to port forward based on name rather than IP. Any solutions?
friendklay, please start your own thread for this question.

I'd suggest the Linux - Networking forum. Thanks.


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