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Old 10-11-2003, 07:46 AM   #1
LQ Guru
Registered: Apr 2003
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simple gnuPG private key question.

Hi, ive read the documentation on the gnuPG homepage, but still have 1 question.

it recomends that i keep my private key on a write protected cd or floppy.
NOT on my networked computer (incase its hacked ect)

but im not sure which file (in ~/.gnupg/) is my private key ???
ALSO, when ive moved the key to my floppy, how do i set gnuPG to
look for my key in the foppy drive instead of the default location in the home directory ?

thankyou for any responce.

AND... is gnuPG compatable with PGP ?
could i for example use gnuPG to encrypt a file using a public key generated with PGP ?
or decrypt a file which was encrypted with my public key by a pgp user ???


Last edited by qwijibow; 10-11-2003 at 07:48 AM.
Old 10-11-2003, 06:57 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2003
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Distribution: Slackware, Termux
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Rep: Reputation: 363Reputation: 363Reputation: 363Reputation: 363
Actually, that's several questions, but who's counting? ;p

1. The one that looks like : secring.gpg
There may be an option (switch) to tell it where to look for priv keys. gpg --help
I keep mine in the ~ dir, but backup all the files now and then to a floppy. The way I see it is, if I get hacked that bad, I got WAY more to worry about then my secring.

2. Yes, the versions I've seen work together, but I'm sure there's bound to be one older version of PGP that doesn't get on well with GPG.

3. Yes

4. Yes

5. You're Welcome.



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