rkhunter found the following
1) /usr/bin/file - BAD Note, I think this file was just updated in one of the recent YOU updates....
Checking for differences in user accounts... Found differences
> news:x:9:13:News system:/etc/news:/bin/bash
> uucp:x:10:14:Unix-to-Unix CoPy system:/etc/uucp:/bin/bash
> man:x:13:62:Manual pages viewer:/var/cache/man:/bin/bash
< man:x:13:62:Manual pages viewer:/var/cache/man:/bin/bash
< news:x:9:13:News system:/etc/news:/bin/bash
< uucp:x:10:14:Unix-to-Unix CoPy system:/etc/uucp:/bin/bash
Info: Some items have been added (items marked with '<')
Info: Some items have been removed (items marked with '>')
Ok, they are the same, what's up here?
* Filesystem checks
Checking /dev for suspicious files... [ Warning! (unusual files found) ]
Unusual files:
/dev/sdaf9: block 3pecial (65/249)
Scanning for hidden files... [ Warning! ]
/dev/.udev.tdb /etc/.java
I looked at the .pwd.lock file, it's blank
Anyone know what these are?