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Old 07-28-2006, 12:58 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Laurel MD
Posts: 296

Rep: Reputation: 32
Redhat ASE 4.0 can't login except at console


I'm posting here because I'm guessing my problem is security/authentication related. If this is the wrong forum I apologize.

Problem: I have just installed Redhat ASE 4.0 on a new server. The install appears to have gone well but I am unable to login to the server from anywhere except the console. Once logged in at the console I can login to other servers and from those severs ping the new box but I can't login to the new server. It appears to me that the new server is not authenticating. I have gone into the login manager and told it to only use the /etc/passwd file and not ldap.

Note that I am trying the use rsh, rlogin, or telnet to get to the server, not ssh. My other servers do not have ssh installed. My customer does not want to have to switch to ssh at this time because there are too many machines that would have to be modified and he would also have to work it through other companies that are part of this project.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Old 07-28-2006, 05:10 PM   #2
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Laurel MD
Posts: 296

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Rep: Reputation: 32
I forgot to state the firewall is turned off and kinetd is running. You can ping the new box from other servers you just can't login. You get the error "connection refused".

Thank you
Old 07-29-2006, 06:40 AM   #3
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: India
Distribution: Redhat 9.0,FC3,FC5,FC10
Posts: 257

Rep: Reputation: 30
Is the rlogind and the telnetd installed?... I dont know whether u installed those on the server or if they are done by default.....

1.Use the GUI or Rpm to see if they are installed...

2.If not install one of them and check again

3.Remote root login might be disabled by default so you'll need to login as a user
rlogin server -l arvind
and then su if needed to root

4.Try and show ur manager/client the big pitfalls in unencrypted traffic for rlogin/telnet and switch to ssh ASAP....

Hope this back....if not...

Old 07-31-2006, 02:39 PM   #4
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Laurel MD
Posts: 296

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Rep: Reputation: 32
Thank you, your answer was right on.

I'm embarrassed. Neither daemon was running, in fact they weren't even installed. I'm so used to the way Sun works with it's inetd.conf that when I looked at the xinetd.conf and it was totally weird to me that I just assumed that a standard install would have the rlogind running. I was oh so wrong.

I agree in that I have begged them to move to ssh but our Government clients don't have it and we haven't been able to get them to use it. Even worse we have long time developers with enough pull that I have had a beast of a time just with our company. They have quite a few scripts that just execute an rsh and rely on the .hosts file so they don't have to enter a password and run these commands as part of the main project. The developers don't want to modify their scripts and they are writing the code that sells where I don't make the company money as a sys admin, I just spend it. I'm low on the totem pole of pull around here.

Old 08-01-2006, 05:18 AM   #5
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: India
Distribution: Redhat 9.0,FC3,FC5,FC10
Posts: 257

Rep: Reputation: 30
No worries .. now you wont forget

Abt ur problem with ssh .. its the same thing as usual ... security not planned before writing code...and later there's a problem... maybe you should hack in to your server from outside and send ur CTO the screenshots ... then mgmt may think abt ssh ... I'm just kidding ..dont do that



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