questions about clamav results
Hello fellow users! I have a few questions that need answering concerning clamav scanning results for both Linux and windows partition.
1. GZIP.ExceededFileSize
These results were from various files with zipped tarballs and .exe in Suse
The comments were talking about archive limits. What does that mean?
2. Broken.Executable
It's from the windows partition, I used a dual boot. The programs that uses a broken exe works with no problem. Could it have some kind of viruse hidden in it?
3. Trojan.Aavirus
It's from norton antivirus program in the windows partition. It seems to be located in the virus database. I have googled for information but no one has confirmed if it is a real virus or not. Could the virus database have been concealed if I was running the norton virus scan?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.