Originally posted by DaHammer
And yeah, I recall that was the most annoying thing about qmail...All those dang bounced emails to non-existant usernames.
If you configure qmail to dump mail to non-existant addresses, that problem goes away.
Originally posted by inaki
The question is how can i block all unregistered account and allow only listed account.
There are several ways to do this. There is the chkuser patch, as DaHammer mentioned. There is the goodrcptto patch. There is also a patch that allows you to check for vpopmail virtual users (although, I hear this one is a bit messy and not recommended).
You can search the qmail list archives at
http://msgs.securepoint.com/qmail/ for "block unknown address" as a good starting point. Do *NOT* post this question to the qmail list unless you want to get flamed like you have never been flamed before, as it has been posted hundreds of times.
All of the recommended solutions require you to update a file that is consulted on every mail delivery anytime you add a new user. Most folks who use these patches simply script the process of updating the neccesary file.
Personally, I use the goodrcptto patch and a PHP script I wrote run every ten minutes via cron to update the ~qmail/control/moregoodrcpt file. I believe that the goodrcptto patch differs from the chkuser patch in that the goodrcptto patch checks *all* recipients of an email and validates them, whereas the chkuser patch only validates some email addresses (although I could be mistaken about this).