I figured it fit in with security cause its security software. Ill keep note of that next time.
For what I'm following for my install, its off of this webpage:
Also maybe how it was installed? It's kind of confusing , and I don't nessacarily understand why, we have to install things under a user, then in the middle of it, switch to root.
One of the nice features of RPM installs (if that's what you're doing) is that you can list about everything a package contains, like for instance install scripts (-q --scripts) to help explain why something is necessary.
Not quite what I meant. When you look at the install instructions, under the libprelude install part. It will tell you to do something as a user. Then the next step, is to switch to root and install.
So for that, I wonder if I should just create a user or just use the one I already have?
Now for the errors I get. I use yum for most of the packages that were needed, except for the prelude stuff. I didn't see any errors during that part, so I assume they all went well. If there is a way to check, I'm willing to do it. I just don't know how.
I get down to the first part. Libprelude. I download and install this part all under root cause I'm not entirely sure about what I should do about the user. All installs fine. The output shows up as it should.
Second part. Libpreludedb. Same thing. Download and install under root. Same reasons as above. I get the appropriate output at teh end.
BTW, to get that, I have to add --enable-gtk-doc to the ./configure part.
So on to creating a database. This is where the trouble starts, and more of my confusion. I understand the basics of linux. But not mysql of linux. I know it was installed on this machine when i did the install. That's all I do know.
In the part of those intructions, it says to put in this command and you get this response.
Then, if everything is ok, you should see something like this:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 303 to server version: 4.0.22-log
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
Here is what I get.
[root@prelude libpreludedb-0.9.8]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
What should I do or where should I go from this. More importantly, what does this mean?
Okay, go on ahead and move me to software.
Thanks for your help.