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Old 03-11-2006, 06:12 PM   #1
Registered: Nov 2005
Distribution: Fedora 4
Posts: 40

Rep: Reputation: 15
PHP directory security - reading other people's files

Hello everyone. I have a question related to PHP (and other web scripting language) security:

I am running a webserver (virtual hosts) hosting several websites. This server is running Apache2 and PHP.

I have found that I can create a very simple one-line PHP script and look at any file on the server with world-readable permissions. OK, fine. But what if I don't want other people reading a PHP script that I wrote? I can't remove the world-readable bit or apache won't run it.

Here's an example
I create a file "test.php" containing the following line:
<?php echo `cat /etc/passwd`; ?>

I upload this into the public_html directory on one of my websites, then from a browser I open this file: sitename/test.php
Voila: I see the entire /etc/passwd file. Isn't this a security risk???

Now the problem appears here:
I have two different websites running (virtual hosts). If on site 'A' I create this test.php script, I can potentially read any .php files in site 'B's public_html directory. But if I chmod 640 the php files in site 'B's directory, they will no longer execute, because Apache doesn't have permission to read them.

I have tried putting the 'apache' user in the same group as these sites' owners, but nothing happens. It still can't access the files if they are chmod 640.

I created another script:
<?php echo `whoami`; ?>

When I run this script, the output is "apache". That means the "apache" user is the one trying to access the files, right? So why can't I put the "apache" user in the same group as the owner of the files, then set the access mask to 640?
I modified /etc/group by adding the username 'apache' on the end of the website owner's group name.

Then by running 'groups apache' it outputs the following:
apache : apache websiteownergroup

ls -l gives the following output:
-rw-r----- 1 websiteowner websiteownergroup xx Mar xx xx:xx test.php

Shouldn't this give access to apache to a file with group 'websiteownergroup' and permission mask 640?

What on earth am I missing here???

Thank you!

Last edited by krasl; 03-11-2006 at 06:49 PM.
Old 03-11-2006, 07:08 PM   #2
Registered: Nov 2005
Distribution: Fedora 4
Posts: 40

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Rep: Reputation: 15
OK. I discovered that in the /etc/php.ini file, setting safe_mode = On prevents much of this. But it still seems that there is a big hole here. What if I allowed users to SSH into the server? (which I don't, by the way...) They would be permitted to view other users' files because if the world-readable bit is turned off, apache can't access the files.
I must be really dense, but it seems like you could just put the 'apache' user into the same group as the file owner, and give group-read permission to the file. But this doesn't work.

Any advice appreciated!!!
Old 03-16-2006, 08:36 AM   #3
Registered: Nov 2005
Distribution: Fedora 4
Posts: 40

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
Does anyone have any insight here?


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