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Old 06-16-2006, 06:10 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2006
Location: Netherlands
Distribution: Suse Linux 10.0
Posts: 3

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permissions on password database too restrictive


I've been working on my computer (Suse 10.0)and in a overenthousiastic action I changed something in the security settings. When trying to log on as root, the password is false and I get the message "permissions on the password database may be too restrictive". I learned allready that is has to do with the security setting "paranoid", though I don't have clue how to fix it. The password is still correct because, if I want to shut the engine down, it asks for the root pw and it still does the job on the pw I set. My fear is that I've got to completely reinstall the system. I can login as root with the rescue funtion of the DVD (it doesn't asks a pw there), though I'm not so strong in the command line so I don't have a clue what to enter to get things up and running again.

Thanks for you help

Last edited by Intermove; 06-16-2006 at 06:40 AM.
Old 06-16-2006, 08:25 AM   #2
Registered: May 2004
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Well, the best you can do is put the DVD and once in root change your password. For Suse I don't know the command plus it's been a long time I used linux (sorry my computer broke). Also try changing the "permissions" on the files (sorry a little rusty). If you can log in to your regular user you can read the tutorials for the commands, if any. Or try searching the net for tutorials. Hope this helps.
Old 06-17-2006, 03:50 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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My problem is that I don't have a clue on the commands at the command line. I could do a full course somewhere on the net, but I hope that someone knows the commands by heart or something. I imagine that changing the security permissions will be something at the end of the advanced course for advanced users. Anyhow, I'll do some searching.


Last edited by Intermove; 06-18-2006 at 08:54 AM.
Old 06-17-2006, 11:46 AM   #4
Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 135

Rep: Reputation: 15
Create a normal user and log in using that account. Then su to become root. That's best practice.
Old 06-18-2006, 08:55 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2006
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Distribution: Suse Linux 10.0
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thankx for the tip, but I do have a normal account which doesn't allow me to create another account. So that doesn't work
Old 06-18-2006, 12:00 PM   #6
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: Manchester, England
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Posts: 211

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From the command line, su to the root user and type yast. You'll get a command line version, where you can do everything you can do in the graphical version, including altering users.


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