Low interaction Honeypot (based on nepenthes) worm infection, Advice needed
I have snipped part of my log i captured on the my honey pot need recommendation on what is going o? The infected computers is located at address ${ADDRESS}. A quick check of my low interaction Honeypot (based on nepenthes) gives the following data: i know its a worm but what is going on thanks in advance
linux-sqos:/opt/nepenthes/var/log # cat nepenthes.log
[18032007 02:26:03 info module] 76 4
[18032007 02:26:03 info module] SMB Session Request 76
[18032007 02:26:03 warn module] Unknown NETDDE exploit 76 bytes State 1
[18032007 02:26:03 module] Stored Hexdump var/hexdumps/850745ec6a9f3cc3d7ce4bdd7294e468.bin (0x0809fa80 , 0x0000004c).
[18032007 02:26:03 warn module] Unknown SMBName exploit 0 bytes State 1
[18032007 02:26:03 info handler dia] Unknown DCOM request, dropping
[18032007 02:26:11 crit sc handler] MATCH linkxor::link matchCount 5 map_items 5
[18032007 02:26:11 info sc handler] i = 1 map_items 5 , map = size
[18032007 02:26:11 info sc handler] i = 2 map_items 5 , map = size
[18032007 02:26:11 info sc handler] i = 3 map_items 5 , map = key
[18032007 02:26:11 info sc handler] i = 4 map_items 5 , map = post
[18032007 02:26:11 info sc handler] Found linkbot XOR decoder, key 0x1b, payload is 0x00b2 bytes long.
[18032007 02:26:11 info sc handler] connectbackfiletransfer::linktransfer -> ${ADDRESS}:56330
[18032007 02:26:11 info sc handler] connectbackfiletransfer::linktransfer -> ${ADDRESS}:56330, key 0xaeed1ff8.
[18032007 02:26:11 info down mgr] Handler link download handler will download link://${ADDRESS}:56330/ru0f+A==
[18032007 02:26:13 info handler dia] Download via linkbot filetransferr done! ( download is 114176 bytes)
[18032007 02:26:13 info mgr submit] File b6c9254853a642e90756cfb04efd67ea has type PE executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit
[18032007 02:26:13 warn dia] Unknown ASN1_SMB Shellcode (Buffer 172 bytes) (State 0)
[18032007 02:26:13 dia] Stored Hexdump var/hexdumps/16e9e789e405a1bc1e69a3a7f302416b.bin (0x080a1a40 , 0x000000ac).
[18032007 02:26:13 warn module] Unknown PNP Shellcode (Buffer 172 bytes) (State 0)
[18032007 02:26:13 module] Stored Hexdump var/hexdumps/16e9e789e405a1bc1e69a3a7f302416b.bin (0x080a1638 , 0x000000ac).
[18032007 02:26:13 warn module] Unknown LSASS Shellcode (Buffer 172 bytes) (State 0)
[18032007 02:26:13 module] Stored Hexdump var/hexdumps/16e9e789e405a1bc1e69a3a7f302416b.bin (0x080a08f0 , 0x000000ac).
[18032007 02:26:13 warn handler dia] Unknown DCOM Shellcode (Buffer 172 bytes) (State 0)
[18032007 02:26:13 handler dia] Stored Hexdump var/hexdumps/16e9e789e405a1bc1e69a3a7f302416b.bin (0x0809fa80 , 0x000000ac).
linux-sqos:/opt/nepenthes/var/binaries # ls -l b6c9254853a642e90756cfb04efd67ea
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 114176 Mar 18 02:26 b6c9254853a642e90756cfb04efd67ea
linux-sqos:/opt/nepenthes/var/binaries # file b6c9254853a642e90756cfb04efd67ea
b6c9254853a642e90756cfb04efd67ea: PE executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit
linux-sqos:/opt/nepenthes/var/binaries # cd /opt/nepenthes/var/hexdumps
linux-sqos:/opt/nepenthes/var/hexdumps # ls -l 16e9e789e405a1bc1e69a3a7f302416b.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 172 Mar 18 02:26 16e9e789e405a1bc1e69a3a7f302416b.bin
linux-sqos:/opt/nepenthes/var/hexdumps # file 16e9e789e405a1bc1e69a3a7f302416b.bin
16e9e789e405a1bc1e69a3a7f302416b.bin: data
linux-sqos:/opt/nepenthes/var/hexdumps # xxd -g 1 -u 16e9e789e405a1bc1e69a3a7f302416b.bin
0000000: 00 00 00 A8 FF 53 4D 42 72 00 00 00 00 08 01 40 .....SMBr......@
0000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2C 03 ..............,.
0000020: 02 08 10 3E 00 85 00 02 50 43 20 4E 45 54 57 4F ...>....PC NETWO
0000030: 52 4B 20 50 52 4F 47 52 41 4D 20 31 2E 30 00 02 RK PROGRAM 1.0..
0000040: 4D 49 43 52 4F 53 4F 46 54 20 4E 45 54 57 4F 52 MICROSOFT NETWOR
0000050: 4B 53 20 31 2E 30 33 00 02 4D 49 43 52 4F 53 4F KS 1.03..MICROSO
0000060: 46 54 20 4E 45 54 57 4F 52 4B 53 20 33 2E 30 00 FT NETWORKS 3.0.
0000070: 02 4C 41 4E 4D 41 4E 31 2E 30 00 02 4C 4D 31 2E .LANMAN1.0..LM1.
0000080: 32 58 30 30 32 00 02 4C 41 4E 4D 41 4E 32 2E 31 2X002..LANMAN2.1
0000090: 00 02 4E 54 20 4C 41 4E 4D 41 4E 20 31 2E 30 00 ..NT LANMAN 1.0.
00000a0: 02 4E 54 20 4C 4D 20 30 2E 31 32 00 .NT LM 0.12.
linux-sqos:/opt/nepenthes/var/hexdumps #
Last edited by unSpawn; 05-19-2010 at 05:53 PM.
Reason: //Change IP to ${ADDRESS}