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Linux - Security This forum is for all security related questions.
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Old 07-20-2006, 10:57 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2006
Posts: 1

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Angry login as root through telnet

I've installed Red Hut 7.0 and i've set the various parameters in order to allow me to login as root through a telnet session from a remote terminal. i'm not able successfully login as the system returns an invalid login message. Is there anything that I missed out in my configuration using the chkconfig command? Help
Old 07-20-2006, 11:01 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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Is this a production server? You are aware that telnet sends passwords as clear text, so anybody monitoring your session will be able to learn your root password... You could login as a user and then su to root.

As I haven't used telnet in a few years, I don't know for sure if there's anything else. Are you sure you're using the right password? In ssh, you just change the line in sshd_config to say "rootLogin Yes"
Old 07-20-2006, 05:57 PM   #3
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Agreed. If this box is on *any* sort of untrusted LAN (and I mean literally every host is 100% trusted and isolated from the internet), then running telnet by itself is a very bad idea. Logging in as root over telnet (even via su -) is a ludicrously bad idea. Run ssh instead.


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