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jakr997 10-17-2019 05:30 AM

Is this OpenVPN killswitch safe to use?
Many VPN apps have killswitch on them. I did not want to run a closed source VPN app just to get a killswitch. I use OpenVPN so I have looked around and found some similar killswitches which work with UFW and supports OpenVPN connections. Unfortunately none of them worked for me. So I made my own...


# help from:

sudo ufw disable
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default deny outgoing
sudo ufw allow out on tun0 from any to any

the_ip=$(ip addr show | grep 'inet 192.168' | awk '{print $2;}')
sudo ufw allow in to $the_ip
sudo ufw allow out to $the_ip

sudo ufw allow out 443
sudo ufw enable

For I have:


sudo ufw disable

After I connect to VPN, I run When I don't need the killswitch, I run and disconnect VPN. It works for me and does not allow browsing when the VPN connection drops. But I'm not good in networking and stuff so not 100% sure if this is secure.

Is it safe to use? Should I be worried about any attacks?

Firerat 10-18-2019 12:25 AM

well, leaks ..

this is bad

ufw allow out 443
that will allow you to connect to https without going through the VPN

I guess you have that so you can connect to the VPN, I assume tcp

assuming eth0 is 'real' network device

ufw allow out on eth0 to ${VPN_IP} port 443 proto tcp
If you are using a FQDN to get to the VPN you are going to have to open up a DNS port, you may want to run your own caching dns and have that only use external ( none VPN ) DNS for lookups of the VPN FQDN

this doesn't make much sense

the_ip=$(ip addr show | grep 'inet 192.168' | awk '{print $2;}')
sudo ufw allow in to $the_ip
sudo ufw allow out to $the_ip

you would end up with something like in and out


the_ip=$(ip -brief -f inet addr show eth0 | grep -Eo "[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}" )
that would get you

ufw allow from ${the_ip%.*}.0/24 to ${the_ip} port 22,1080 proto tcp
opens up ssh and socks
so, from anywhere on your lan, you can ssh in or use the socks proxy to connect to the internet via the VPN
other typical proxy ports 3128,8080,8118

you should also throw in

ufw status verbose
to give you a nice overview

you may want to allow out to your lan


ufw allow out on eth0 from ${the_ip} to port 3632 proto tcp
to speed up compiles :D

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