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Old 03-05-2006, 03:29 AM   #1
Registered: May 2002
Distribution: SUSE 9.2 Pro
Posts: 98

Rep: Reputation: 15
ipcop question

I just setup ipcop on a spare system i wanted your guy opinion or feedback about it. Before i was using a standard router with nat and spi and now im using the ipcop system. I wanted to know how much better that is than the router as far as security goes. I do like the logging feature but most of the time im not on the internet. In the future i will setup a VPN which is one nice thing i like about ipcop. Thank you for any feedback that you could give me.
Old 03-05-2006, 08:36 PM   #2
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I've been using IPCOP for about 3 or 4 years now, and it is quite a good system for the security. All though it be a bit better like disallowing root logins from ssh or from the console.

But overall the logging is great, the web interface is quite nice and has the features most poeple could hope to use or even need. But because it is cut down to a rather small size, they have had to take a lot of things out. Which can be a pain if you want to add anything to it to improve it's flexibility, sometimes I think it might be best to make my own so I can add new tools and software to it.

Unfortunately you have to wait for others to bring out security patches for it or make a rpm to install new software. But no one has ever hacked or breach my security ever on it, and it runs 24/7, have lots of interesting reading in the log files but no one has gotten through.

As far as the VPN, I have never set one up yet myself, but it is a good thing to have there if I ever need it. Also the proxy server is great as well, most hardware routers/modems have no proxy cahing or atleast a small amount, with IPCOP you can have as much logging and proxy caching as you want, just depends on your hard drive size.
Old 03-05-2006, 08:48 PM   #3
Registered: Oct 2005
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Posts: 106

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I've been using IPCop for over a year with no problem what so ever. I feel it is very secure - MUCH more secure than a router. It just makes sense - you have 4 separate networks. I run a WAP and an FTP server so I have all 4 networks going. It's a great use of an old PC. The only thing that might be needing improvement is the manuals - I had to tinker to get everything set up at first. Not everything is in the documentation. Make sure you make a floppy backup in case your HD ever goes bad.


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