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Old 10-13-2006, 03:46 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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IP adress vulnerability when accessing Forums...

I recently went to a forum and to my utter dismay my ip adress was displayed along with my Isp provider and my OS. Somebody had this information on their "signature" in the forum and was mentioned on their signature as well. I feel like a total idiot now, going to the forum, but since it was a univ alumni forum I didn't suspect such a thing. Is there a way that one could prevent such occurences in the future or to be precise to hide your IP?
thank you...
Old 10-13-2006, 04:17 AM   #2
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Every time you visit a web page your browser sends a HTTP request and with it, a small chunk of information about your system. This is normal and nothing to be concerned about, this signature you're talking about sounds very much like an autogenerated image I've seen plenty of times before. It's not someone taking the piss out of you, the image changes so everyone who looks at it, it shows them their own info.

Spoofing HTTP headers is easy but your IP, not so easy. You could use an anonymous proxy or something like Tor but there isn't a reason to panic. As I said, the same goes for everybody and as long as you don't run any vulnerable services on your PC you don't have anything to worry about.

Have a look here, it'll give you some helpful information and you can see exactly what you computer has to say about you


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