Originally Posted by The_Watcher
I want to install ClamAv on my machine which has RHEL WS 4.0.
Can some one kindly guide me through the operations which I should do. I will need the link for the latest version to download; and that means a the *.tar.rpm file (I think?). But once I have downlaoded it on to my machine, how do i actually get it to install? There is some type of rpm command is there? Once installed can I delete the original *.tar.rpm file?
i did a search on
rpmfind.net and found an RPM of it for RHEL4:
to install RPMs it's usually just a matter of:
rpm -ivh example.rpm
not sure if RHEL4 meets all the clamav dependancies, but if it doesn't then you'll need to install the dependancies... they'll most likely be on your CDs or your repositories...
yes, you can delete the RPM file after you've installed it...
How do then keep uptodate with the latest ClamAv and the latest virus definitions etc. -- does it have to be done on a daily basis (like Norton on windows) or is the automatic updates?
it comes with a command called "freshclam" which updates the database for you... you can run it manually or you can schedule it to be run periodically, as you wish...