Also check out /var/log/secure.
Regrettably, if the login was malicious, it is likely they cleared any record.
And I would imagine you are more than safe. Just make sure to keep up on Slackware security updates (I recommend subscribing to the mailing list, alternatively check out, and don't run any unneeded services. You also might want to install rkhunter, which is a rootkit detector. If you aren't running any hosting or ssh or anything like that, you should be perfectly fine. Remember that a lot of "script kiddies" will go for easy targets, heck I bet if they find you don't have NetBIOS open (a Windows problem) they'll pass you by.
To tell you the truth, I ran with a basic firewall and Slackware install connected directly to the internet (no router) for around 8 months and had no problems at all.