Hi all,
Yesterday, I login as root and using the linuxconf, I choose the user group selection by the linuxconf menu, in my member of user, have some users are add in the same group, for example of my machine group is show below:
User Name Group Member
kei tester1, tester2, sam, ricky
ricky kei, sam
My problems is here. I discovered my Red Hat Linux 7.1 system security have problems, but I don't know how to do it right!
My discovered is when I change the group setting, I login as kei, root and ricky at the same time. now ricky can go the the group share directory of user kei, but now, I use the root go to the linuxconf again and disable the share group of ricky (I mean in user kei group setting, del the name of ricky).
But the problems is here. If ricky still haven't logout the system, the disable group share for ricky will not immediately for take effect
It is need the user logout first and then login again then the disable group share for ricky from kei then can take effect.
I want to ask, do anyone know that how to let my setting can take effect immediately?
Thank you