Originally posted by acis
Thanks HappyTux for your responce. I think they use /etc/apf/internals/icmp.types not /etc/apf/icmp.rules. I am not sure how to use it
Most times there are .conf files that contain the directories/settings that tell the program where to look for the file(s) it needs you may want to look around in the /etc/apf/ directory and see if you can find such a file(s) and hopefully the maintainer of the package has put some decent comments in the file that will tell you what you need to do and there is always the man page it should be telling you something about using it and at the bottom of the page it will usually list related files/man pages that you can refer too for more information. If the program on your system uses the /etc/apf/internals directory I would say create the file in there with the different name and put your line into it and see how it goes you can always delete the file later if it does not work.
BTW do you have a URL to the page(s) you are referring too in your first post, googling on apf icmp.types or apf icmp.rules turns up no hits.