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Old 05-18-2007, 06:01 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
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Has my system been compromised?


I was wondering if anybody here could offer me any advice.

At home I have a Clark Connect Linux file-server running Slimserver, managed though ssh. This is connected to the internet through an ageing SMC Barricade 7004ABR router. While recently changing some settings on my router the following entries in the log caught my eye.

2007/05/07 06:05:07 ** IP Spoofing ** <IP/UDP> ->> **.**.***.***:6346
2007/05/07 06:07:07 ** IP Spoofing ** <IP/UDP> ->> **.**.***.***:6346
2007/05/07 06:09:07 ** IP Spoofing ** <IP/UDP> ->> **.**.***.***:6346
2007/05/07 06:11:07 ** IP Spoofing ** <IP/UDP> ->> **.**.***.***:6346
2007/05/07 06:13:07 ** IP Spoofing ** <IP/UDP> ->> **.**.***.***:6346

The internal is my server IP and the **.**.***.*** is my actual external IP, I don't wish to display it in case this is something to be worried about.

So my next question is this, is it something to be worried about?

Although I have configured the box I am not very up on hardening a Linux Box to limit it to just the access I need.

If it is something to be concerned about I would be grateful for any help on how to deal with it, or at least discover what is causing it.

Thank you for any help

Old 05-18-2007, 06:08 PM   #2
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I think it's just NAT, and therefore nothing to worry about.

What do you get from 'netstat -pantu | grep 48527' as root (assuming 48527 is still the port number on the locahost, as it is above)?


Last edited by ilikejam; 05-18-2007 at 06:09 PM.
Old 05-18-2007, 06:53 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
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Thank you for the quick reply, nothing appears when I type 'netstat -pantu | grep 48527' no reason for port number to have changed because I haven't touched anything.

If it is just NAT that's a relief, but as it is the first time I have noticed it I just thought I would check.

So you don't think there is anything to worry about?
Old 05-18-2007, 06:58 PM   #4
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The port number may well have changed (high port numbers like that are generally random, used for outgoing connections).
If you're worried about it, then go back into the router and find the port number, then run the command above with that number.

I still think it's just NAT, though.



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