Originally Posted by Lola Kews
SUSE 10.3, KDE 3.5, Definitely a newbie.
I want a Firewall/front end that has a GUI interface...
I was told Firestarter was awesome so I installed it but I can't get it to run I think because it is for a Gnome environment and I am using KDE.
The problem
shouldn't be that you are using a Gnome program under KDE. The guys make an amount of effort to ensure that there is interoperability. Having said that, any Gnome app brings a load of Gnome libs with it, so you are probably better sticking with apps that are 'native' if you can.
The KDE firewall GUI is Kmyfirewall, so you could consider that. Guarddog (and its simpler cousin, guidedog) as mentioned in other posts are certainly worth considering, but...
My guess is with SuSE 10.3 you may be struggling with the fact that, by default, SuSEFirewall2 is installed (I've only yet used earlier SuSE versions, so I'm a bit vague about the details). SuSE starts its firewall in two stages; you probably have stage 1 started even if you haven't done anything explicit to make it happen and that is stopping you usefully install any other firewall on top.
If I was you, and it is a matter of preference, I'd look at using the SuSE supplied firewall. In any case, configure via yast (if only to de-activate stuff that you don't want), otherwise you will probably be trying to enable mutually inconsistent configurations.