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thirupathi 11-29-2013 01:57 AM

group user in unable to read/write into the folder

I have created users with same group, and gave full permission to NFS drive for group. But only one user is able to write others are not able to read and write into the directories.

[admin@nodesg3 ~]$ id project --> able to read/write
uid=1002(project) gid=502(project) groups=502(project)
[admin@nodesg3 ~]$ id elhdev -->unable to read/write
uid=1003(elhdev) gid=502(project) groups=502(project)
[admin@nodesg3 ~]$ id nasolvendor-->unable to ead/write
uid=505(nasolvendor) gid=502(project) groups=502(project)

For below folders
drwxrwx---. 5 project project 83 Nov 20 15:23 mirror_bak
-rwxrwx---. 1 project project 286 Nov 21 14:11 nohup.out
drwxrwxr--. 140 project project 12295 Nov 21 17:29 oldfiiles
drwxrwxr-x. 18 project project 331 Nov 5 21:53 publish
drwxrwx---. 2 project project 37 Nov 28 21:52 source
drwxrwx---. 12456 project project 672842 Nov 18 20:57 source.bak

If I do as below
[elhdev@nodesg3 FlipViewer]$ ls -l source
ls: cannot open directory source: Permission denied

rigor 11-30-2013 03:57 PM

With NFS it's not quite as simple as just the User's permissions on one machine. Access to an NFS partition can be affected by a User's simple permissions on either system, ACL's on either system, permissions for the mount point, and in some cases, factors related to NFS security mount options, and NFSACL where implemented.


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