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Linux - Security This forum is for all security related questions.
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Old 03-05-2003, 11:39 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2002
Location: Estonia
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Posts: 119

Rep: Reputation: 15
exploit collection

is there any large exploit(linux and unix both) collection? the new and old ones as well?

and where could i get the lates information on security holes? in order to keep my RH up to date.

Last edited by keevitaja; 03-05-2003 at 11:45 AM.
Old 03-05-2003, 12:46 PM   #2
Registered: Feb 2003
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exploit list or exploit collection? One I would share with you(readily available with a google search) and one I would not give you to put you out when you were on fire. Which is it you want?
Old 03-07-2003, 08:33 AM   #3
Grim Reaper
Registered: Apr 2002
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williamwbishop, lol, i don't get what your post meant! heh

I'm also interested in this sort of a list...if we can't post links straight to the site, maybe a little help on what to search for @ google? I've tried quite a few different combinations...I've come up with some small sites, but is there any general larger ones that are updated fairly often?

Last edited by Grim Reaper; 03-07-2003 at 08:34 AM.
Old 03-07-2003, 10:11 AM   #4
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is there any large exploit(linux and unix both) collection? the new and old ones as well?
williamwbishop's reply is totally in line with what any LQ member/moderator could have said (meaning those having an idea what LQ is about either with or w/o reading the AUP).
Just to remind you why I'm cutting this "discussion" off: Jeremy has made it VERY clear in the past LQ members won't be allowed to post links to archives, post exploits or post questions in the Grey/Black Hat area. IMNSHO it's a perfect way to filter skiddie REQ's from "serious" questions. Anyway, this shouldn't be a problem since there are a myriad of sites/board around. Just don't stick with one approach to or means of searching something. Try to broaden your scope.

Bypassing any moral, ethical and legal issues whoever releases proof of concept code or exploit does it to show their knowledge and capabilities. It could buy them credit in the eyes of vendors, customers, fellow crackers or researchers. If a vulnerability or new exploit is to be used as leverage in the direction of fellow crackers or customers, the exploit needs to be kept "secret", so one can't be allowed to *act* as a proponent of Full Disclosure. (See for instance the ways of the "respectable" firm ISS wrt for instance Apache or OpenSSH.)

and where could i get the lates information on security holes?
- Red Hat posts security advisories regularly to their own and 3rd party mailinglists. Subscribe to them or visit,,,, (Bugtraq). Messages have "\[RHSA-YYYY.*" in the subject and are generally posted by "".
- Red Hat has up2date. Use it.
- LQ. We post the (weekly) bulletins from,, ISS, SANS and CERT. Plus any member can post a warning.

//mod.note: case closed.

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