Originally Posted by pasupuleti
Thank u sir.but can u tell me on which 'files' u want me to change the permissions.
That depends on which services you want to disable.
If you want to disable telnet, the command
will tell you the abolute path of telnet on your machine. Oh my machine it shows:
/usr/bin/telnet /usr/share/man/man1/telnet.1.gz
The first one is the executable (binary) file, the second one is the manpage.
$ ls -l /usr/bin/telnet
will list the owner (root), group (probably also root) and the permissions of the file. You should change the group to your special group name (e.g. special) and adjust the permissions so that only the group and root has permission to execute the binary. The commands are (you must have root privileges):
# chgrp special /usr/bin/telnet
# chown o-x,g+x /usr/bin/telnet
You have to repeat that for every service you want to restrict.