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Linux - Security This forum is for all security related questions.
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Old 01-26-2006, 04:43 PM   #1
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CLose one -- desktop almost compromised.

Jesus, I got almost compromised a few days ago. Fortunate I had chrootkit installed, because I suddenly had root login on ttyp0.
I quickly cut that one off, but a few of the text files in /root contained only " --||--". Must have been one of those damn script kiddies... Cause who would care to break into a desktop?!
Old 01-26-2006, 06:04 PM   #2
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I got almost compromised a few days ago. Fortunate I had chrootkit installed, because I suddenly had root login on ttyp0.
That is not a logical conclusion: if you had an unauthorised root account login your box probably *is* compromised. Did you already start investigating it?

Cause who would care to break into a desktop?!
Because you practically invited them in? Or because Linux is a more versatile and powerful platform?
Old 01-26-2006, 06:51 PM   #3
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Yes, I did investigate. Pretty much nothing... but at least I know and have fixed the security issue. I don't think that a man who encrypts his hd, mixes is nine-symbol password with blf and is behind a firewall invites every passing kiddie. And, man -- think what you are saying. Both BSD and Linux are secure and versatile. Come on, spread linux advocacy, but don't be a fanatic. Say, OpenBSD. Is there a Linux that is _half_ as secure?
Old 01-26-2006, 07:29 PM   #4
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BTW, this the Linux - Security forum: you may show your leet BSD pissing-contest-fu in the LQ /General dojo.

Last edited by unSpawn; 01-26-2006 at 08:03 PM.
Old 01-26-2006, 07:45 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by BinJajer
at least I know and have fixed the security issue.
what was the security issue?? how did you fix it??

how do you know they didn't leave any other backdoors, etc?? if they had root your system is pretty much untrustable until you re-install...

I don't think that a man who encrypts his hd, mixes is nine-symbol password with blf and is behind a firewall invites every passing kiddie.
disk encryption does absolutely nothing as far as OS exploits are concerened...

And, man -- think what you are saying. Both BSD and Linux are secure and versatile. Come on, spread linux advocacy, but don't be a fanatic. Say, OpenBSD. Is there a Linux that is _half_ as secure?
before this thread turns into a pissing contest (i have a feeling that it will), i'd like to remind you that security is a P-R-O-C-E-S-S, not a product... just cuz you install openbsd doesn't make you any more secure than a [insert favorite distro here] linux user... it depends on many factors, like your skills/experience, for example...

who would care to break into a desktop?
someone wanting to send-out 3,000 SPAM messages per minute maybe?? or someone wishing to make a nice addition to their botnet, keeping you on standby for their next big DDoS?? the list of "who" is endless...

they need not be after your info, but resources such as bandwidth are very attractive to a lot of people and the worms they give birth to...

Last edited by win32sux; 01-26-2006 at 07:50 PM.


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