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Old 07-14-2006, 12:52 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2006
Distribution: 6.06
Posts: 22

Rep: Reputation: 15
CBL Lookup Utility block IP adress for IRC


the CBL has blocked my IP adress for second time on IRC chat. they said that there are problems with mailing server or some viruses...but the problem was detected at time when my PC was turned off (it even didnt had a power supply- it was removed from electricity). i have Firestarter firewall...

maybe there are some more viruse protection programms (add aware; fix applications) or something like that? because i dont know the reason for some viruses or etc.

or i am the lucky man who have a viruss on my PC
Old 07-14-2006, 08:13 PM   #2
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Could you ask them to provide you with any of the relevent log messages?

Linux viruses are exceedingly rare (but certainly exist), so IMHO the likeliehood is low. In the meantime, I'd recommend running an AV software scan (like ClamAV or F-Prot) to verify that you are infection free. I'd also run an rootkit scanner (like rkhunter or chkrootkit) as well. Finally, make a backup copy of the system logs indicating that you box was powered down at that timeframe.
Old 07-15-2006, 10:38 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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i downloaded ClamAV and chkrootkit...but how to make them run i am not so strong working with terminal
Old 07-15-2006, 10:42 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
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P.s. The CBL only lists IP addresses that are demonstrably infected by a mass mailing virus, or some sort of spam sending compromise (open proxy, trojan, spambot, insecure AnalogX/wingate etc).
Old 07-30-2006, 11:20 PM   #5
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i downloaded ClamAV and chkrootkit...but how to make them run i am not so strong working with terminal
Are you still having trouble with either of these? They both have instructions for installing at their website and include an install README. Chkrootkit is pretty straight forward; unpack the tar archive (tar -zxvf chrootkit.tar.gz), change directories into the chkrootkit directory. Compile the C files using the command "make sense". Become root using "su". Then run the newly created binary with "./chkrootkit"

You can send an email to CBL via the address listed on their website FAQ. Ask what specific info led them to blacklist your IP.


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