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Old 05-24-2007, 09:03 PM   #1
Registered: Dec 2003
Posts: 173

Rep: Reputation: 16
Can you help me crack the Admin password, Win XP ?

My administrator for my work laptop is gone for a few days, I am out in the field and I need to install some software but can't because I am a poweruser.

I have all kinds of Linux LiveCDs, but I don't know if R.I.P., ultimate boot CD, Trinity Rescue or any of those can help me with this...

Can you help? suggest a CD or otherwise get me into this laptop so that I can install the apps that I need?

Old 05-24-2007, 09:05 PM   #2
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He may be a domain Administrator. Try booting in the rescue mode and log in as "Administrator". This is your local machine Administrator account. It may have a null password.
Old 05-24-2007, 09:06 PM   #3
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From the LQ Rules:

# Posts containing information about cracking, piracy, warez, fraud or any topic that could be damaging to either or any third party will be immediately removed.

While what you're asking may be perfectly innocent, we don't know that. Furthermore, your system Admin may not like you circumventing his/her Admin rights. So, sorry. You'll just have to wait till your Admin returns.

Old 05-24-2007, 11:32 PM   #4
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If you are not an authorized administrator of the system, then you should really get permission before circumventing authentication otherwise you may be putting yourself at risk. In fact you should really make it a point when you get back to have some kind of alternate means of installing software if you are off-site or he/she is away for whatever reason in the future. That being said, I'm closing this thread as it's basically asking to provide a howto on cracking windows authentication. There are plenty of places on the net to find that information though.

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