You need to use iptables which is the admin tool for the majority of firewall related tasks and NAT in Linux. You can find HOWTO's on google quite easily, the exact command you require should be:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -i <ethX> --dport <port> -s <IP Address> -j DROP
Where <ethX> is the interface which will probably be ppp0, eth0 or eth1, <port> is the port you want to drop. I think 5050 is the one for Yahoo and the -s flag sets the <IP address> which you obviously know.
Personally I would use:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -i <ethX> --dport <port> -m mac --mac-source <MAC Address> -j DROP
Which does the same but by MAC address. I'm pretty certain this should work but I havent tried the -m flag with the INPUT chain.