blank password ?
Hi all,
I have just installed Suse 9.2 Pro on my Compaq Presario 721UK. My problem is that whenever I boot up it just goes straight into my account without asking for a password. I set a password on my account when I created it during the installation process. I then created another account and changed its password using the chpasswd command, I then set the permissions on my home directory to drwx------ so that users who logged into this new account would not be able to see my private data. This measure is obviously useless though since anyone who boots up the system seems to be automatically logged in as me without having to supply a password. If I log out of my account (but not shut down the machine) and then try to log back into my account I just have to enter the user name and hit return (i.e. leaving the password blank). Curiously though if I enter anything else EXCEPT the actual password for my account I get the 'login failed' message. So in summary it seems like my account has two passwords: the one I set and blank, I have tried changing the password on my account using chpasswd but the same still applies either a blank password or the correct password will grant access to my account. How is this possible? Have I done something stupid or is there a bug somewhere?