hey everybody , I'm going to apply SSL to my Apache , when I read the document , I found that there's 2 way to use SSL with Apache , the fist is installing Apache-SSL , that's easy and simple way but we have to type
https:// insteal of
http:// . The second way is that installing SSL as a module of Apache , and I think that was a betterway . But there something I can find out howto in the document . So I would like go get some help from you .
I download apache and mod_ssl to my /tmp , unzip it all . Now going to the mod_ssl forder , I configure it as :
cd mod_ssl-2.8.12-1.3.27/
./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.1
Now going to apache forder and tried :
# ./configure \
> --prefix=/usr/local/apache \
> --disable-module=all \
> --server-uid=apache \
> --server-gid=apache \
> --enable-module=access \
> --enable-module=log_config \
> --enalbe-module=dir \
> --enable-module=mime \
> --enable-module=auth \
> --enable-module=so \
>--enable-shared=ssl \
>--enable-module=ssl \
> --enable-module=rewrite
make install
And now I going to configure apache by vi httpd.conf . When looking at that , I was happy because there are some thing for me in it . Here we are :
<IfDefine SSL>
LoadModule ssl_module libexec/libssl.so
<IfDefine SSL>
AddModule mod_ssl.c
So I think SSL was install as a module of Apache . But I want that :
When I try :
http://localhost/ , it going to my home page .
When I try :
https://localhost/phpPgAdmin/ , it going to my phpPgAdmin ( I've installed it successfuly with http ) .
My document root is :
DocumentRoot "/usr/local/apache/"
and phpPgAdmin I put in :
<Directory "/usr/local/apache/phpPgAdmin">
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
I don't know how to change those option in the <Directory </Directory> to be able to run
https://localhost/phpPgAdmin .
I do not want to use virtual host too because I do not have any dns to test .
As gmail , I see that the login form work with ssl , but when login success , I turn back to http only . How should I do ?