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Linux - Security This forum is for all security related questions.
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Old 08-26-2006, 05:01 PM   #1
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Alternative to '' ('fastdm')?

I wrote a script to use as an alternative to '' a few months ago and I've finally gotten around to posting it. '' is useful, however I don't like all the overhead required for the application I'm using it for. The script I wrote, called 'fastdm', only has a few basic functions: looping; unlooping; checking for a loop; and determining underlying devices or images. I just posted it this morning, actually:

I originally wrote this for use with a series of encrypted volume management scripts, but I chose to release it separately in case someone else is looking for an alternative.
Old 09-18-2006, 12:15 AM   #2
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It would be nice if you had provided the link to the project page rather than a link to the download manager.
Old 09-20-2006, 12:31 PM   #3
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Sorry. The project page doesn't really say anything about it since the project is a series of small script projects. This is just one of them. Here is the main project page:

The script package doesn't have very many files, so it isn't difficult to get through.


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