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Linux - Security This forum is for all security related questions.
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Old 02-23-2006, 10:45 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: KY
Distribution: *currently* Debian 9 w/Cinnamon
Posts: 66

Rep: Reputation: 15
All In One Security Solution??

I would like to know if there would be a way to bundle together seperate pieces of sotware to match the equivalent of Astaro Linux?

It seems like it should be a way to do it yourself, but I don't know where to start. Here's what Astaro brings to the table:

Web Security

Spyware Protection blocks incoming spyware, adware and other malicious applications, and prevents them from sending out confidential information.
Virus Protection for the Web defends computers against virus infections from web downloads and web- based email.
Content Filtering can block Internet access to 60 categories of web sites during working hours.

Email Security

Virus Protection for Email catches viruses in SMTP and POP3 emails and attachments, even in compressed and archived formats.
Spam Protection uses eight different techniques to filter out spam without stopping legitimate emails. Phishing Protection blocks emails from criminals trying to trick users into revealing confidential information.

Network Security

Intrusion Protection detects and blocks probes and application-based attacks using heuristics, anomaly detection, and pattern-based techniques.
Firewall, with stateful packet inspection and application-level proxies, guards Internet communications traffic in and out of the organization.
Virtual Private Network assures secure communications with remote offices and “road warriors”.

I would love to hear alternative solutions to having to buy the Astaro Linux Product (it's like X number of dollars for X number of IPs) -- I'm not sure (would love to find out) but I believe they are using open-source software (be it commercial or not) and they are simply bundling this themselves along with the hardware if needed.

Any ideas on possible software so one could come up with their own list to make their own all-in-one security solution?

Thanks in advance!
Old 02-24-2006, 01:20 AM   #2
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Watching it snow in bush Alaska
Distribution: *ubuntu, Smoothwall, WinXP Pro
Posts: 126

Rep: Reputation: 15
Unless you're running a server for that serves windows clients, there isn't much (or any) spyware, viruses for Linux.

As far as network security - there are more than several stand-alone firewalls. Check out Smoothwall, IPcop, or mOnOwall for starters. Ah yes, and these are all free.
Old 02-24-2006, 11:31 AM   #3
Registered: Mar 2004
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Originally Posted by alaskazimm
Unless you're running a server for that serves windows clients, there isn't much (or any) spyware, viruses for Linux.

As far as network security - there are more than several stand-alone firewalls. Check out Smoothwall, IPcop, or mOnOwall for starters. Ah yes, and these are all free.
Do you know of any specific examples of problems you can get serving Windows clients? This represents a large portion of the linux server world, I think, or at least me.
Old 02-25-2006, 04:07 PM   #4
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Watching it snow in bush Alaska
Distribution: *ubuntu, Smoothwall, WinXP Pro
Posts: 126

Rep: Reputation: 15
If you're running a server, viruses, spyware, and other nasties can be passed on to the Windows machines. A virus scanner, for example, will run on the Linux server and filter out viruses from emails destined for the clients. The Linux machine is immune to said virus and acts only as a filter.

The firewalls I mentioned above require their own computer and are dedicated firewalls - that is the kernel is stripped down to a minimum of services enabled for security. There are hacks and mods to enable them to be used as mail/web servers but that can enable more vulnerablities. The best thing to do would be to have a seperate computer for firewall, server, and client - or so I've read.

This just about taps out my knowledge of all things network.
Old 02-27-2006, 08:40 AM   #5
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: KY
Distribution: *currently* Debian 9 w/Cinnamon
Posts: 66

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Rep: Reputation: 15
all in one

I know about those firewall solutions.

The thing I'm trying to accomplish, I guess is to say
that I want to peform the same functions as the Asataro
Product. It does all that in one deal. It has antivirus, firewall, web-filtering, spyware cleaner, etc all done from the server. The antivirus pushes updates out to the network PCs, checks for updates as often as desired and then immediately updates the PCs without 'end-user' involvement. I think the antivirus that's used is Clam AV, but I'm NOT sure about the rest (firewall, web-filtering, etc) I was wondering how hard it would be to build your own, my problem is not the hardware, it's finding a firewall, web-filter, etc, that will work each other and not hindering each other nor slowing down network traffic.??

I think I said all that right? Thanks for the replies thus
far, I am investigating each.
Old 03-02-2006, 01:14 PM   #6
LQ Guru
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for the web (content and virus) filter, there's dansguardian:

for the application proxy, there's zorp gpl:

for the mail (spam and virus) scanner there's amavisd-new:

for the VPN, maybe:

just my ...

Last edited by win32sux; 03-02-2006 at 01:16 PM.


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